Monday, October 13, 2008

My Hero

My hero’s name was Aaron Peart. He was a drummer from the world of Guitar Center. First, Aaron played a five piece Tama Imperialstar set with four cymbals. Every time he hit a drum or cymbal, a laser that was rigged to the set would shoot. Cymbals were stronger than drums but less accurate. Next, Aaron was a very inexperienced drummer, but as he fought in more battles his talent increased immensely. He learned more effective rhythms and became very powerful with his double bass pedal. Aaron was a big drummer. He was just over a quarter of a centimeter tall and was skinny but muscled. Being a taller drummer, though, meant that he was more exposed to enemy fire. Aaron was a large inexperienced drummer, but he was a vital part in Guitar Center winning the war. Even after the war Aaron kept his Imperialstar because it kept him alive throughout the war.

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